Here at Dalton St Mary's we positively encourage punctuality and good attendance. We believe that placing high importance in these key areas instill good practice for our children for the rest of their education and into the world of work.
We monitor individual attendance and punctuality and if there are any concerns we work closely with families to offer support.
Holidays during term time continue to have an impact upon whole school attendance statistics and more importantly can impact upon the progress and attainment of individual pupils.
Holidays in term time will be recorded as unauthorised absence.
We ask that you consider carefully the term dates prior to booking family holidays. If a holiday during term time is unavoidable please request, through the school office, a Leave of Absence Form.
It is important that school are informed of planned absences and it avoids our EWO making unnecessary home visits.
If you feel an absence during term time is as a result of exceptional circumstances please arrange to come into school and discuss this with myself, in exceptional circumstances absences can be authorised.
M Hughes
Term Dates
Autumn Term: Wednesday 6th September-Tuesday 19th December
Half Term: Monday 23rd October-Friday 27th October
Spring Term: Wednesday 3rd January-Thursday 28th March
Half Term: Monday 12th February-Friday 16th February
Summer Term: Tuesday 16th April-Friday 19th July
Half Term: Monday 27th May-Friday 31st May
Inset Days (Staff Training): Monday 4th and Tuesday 6th September, Monday 15th April
Autumn Term: Wednesday 4th September-Friday 20th December
Half Term: Monday 28th October-Friday 1st November
Spring Term: Tuesday 7th January-Friday 4th April
Half Term: Monday 17th February-Friday 21st February
Summer Term: Tuesday 22nd April-Friday 18th July
Half Term: Monday 26th May-Friday 30th May
Inset Days (Staff Training): Tuesday 3rd September and Monday 6th January